




a simplistic CRUD global state management for react with a built in async fetching

  • no boilercode to start with, use it out of the box
  • structure the store / state how you want it, it's behaving like JS object
  • efficient rendering by utilizing selector
  • extendable if you like to use reducer, write a reducer just like how you write vanilla JS IIFE or static class
  • built in fetch with cache, and return synced {data, loading, error} for your UI

To start

npm i use-sync-v


To store and update data

updateSyncV('counter', 0);
// create a counter state with initial value of 0
// this is not a hook, you can call the function anywhere

updateSyncV('counter', (p) => p + 1);
// this will increment counter state by 1

updateSyncV('data', [
name: 'Irene'
name: 'Irenelle'
// this will store an Array of Object into "data" state

Updating a deeply nested object is easy

updateSyncV('data[0].phone_number', '010039945');
// this will add phone number field to the first object in our Array under the name Irene

// => {
// name:'Irene',
// phone_number:'010039945'
// }

To have our react component listens to state change with selector

export const CounterDisplayComponent = () => {
const data = useSyncV('data[0]');
// sync this component to "data[0]" state, will re render component whenever the value of "data[0]" state changes

Fetching data:

Let's say we want to fetch data from api and store it in "api" state

const fetchRandomUser = async () => {
const response = await fetch('');
const data = await response.json();
return data;

export const DataDisplayComponent = () => {
const { data, loading, error } = useAsyncV('api');

useEffect(() => {
updateAsyncV('api', fetchRandomUser);
}, []);

return (
{data && <div>{data}</div>}
{loading && <div>Loading...</div>}
{error && <div>Error fetching data...</div>}

For async data, where we want to track loading, and error state, we use updateAsyncV and useAsyncV We can simplify it further by using useQueryV, it's a wrapper for useAsyncV and updateAsyncV

export const DataDisplayComponent = () => {
const { data, loading, error } = useQueryV('api', fetchRandomUser);

return (
{data && <div>{data}</div>}
{loading && <div>Loading...</div>}
{error && <div>Error fetching data...</div>}

To organize the store in a different file and have a reducer

in your stores directory

// @/lib/store.index.js

import { updateSyncV } from 'use-sync-v';

updateSyncV('counter', 0);

// for the reducer
export class CounterReducer {
static increment = () => {
updateSyncV('counter', (p) => p + 1);
static reset = () => {
updateSyncV('counter', 0);

export const initStores = () => {};

and call the file in the root of your react app

// _App.js

import { initStores } from '@/lib/store';

export default function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
return <Component {...pageProps} />;

and call the reducer anywhere

export const CounterComponent = () => {
const counter = useSyncV('counter');
return (
<button onClick={() => CounterReducer.increment()}>increment</button>
<button onClick={() => CounterReducer.reset()}>reset</button>

To recap:

// to read value of the state selector at the time the function is called

updateSyncV(selector:string, updates:function(previousValue) || value)
// to update the value of the state selector using an updater function or a value
// the updater function take a parameter (original state) and return a value (updated state)
// if given a value, it will replace existing value with the value

// to subscribe to the state selector, and will re render the component whenever the value change
// be specific in the selector to prevent unnecessary rerendering

useAsyncV(selector:string, asyncFn:function, config?:obj)
// will subscribe to the selector, and if there's no existing data, it will prepopulate it with {loading, data, error} initial state

updateAsyncV(selector:string, asyncFn:function, config?:obj)
// to fetch a data from api, save the results into the store

useQueryV(selector:string, asyncFn:function, config?:obj)
// this is a bundle of useAsyncV and updateAsyncV
// to fetch a data from api, save the results into the store, and subscribe to it
// by default the result is cached in js variable

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